7 Fashion Mistakes You Are Probably Guilty Of
April 10, 2024

If we’re being truthful, everyone makes fashion mistakes now and then. We must have moments we randomly remember and wonder what must have been going through our minds to make such an awful color combination or hopping on a trend that wasn’t for us. We’ve all been there at some point.

Luckily for us, the good thing with these mistakes we’ve previously made is that we can learn from them and avoid making similar ones in the future. Here is a compilation of 7 most commonly made fashion mistakes:

1. Wearing Baggy Clothing

Wearing clothes that are too big for you will make you look way bigger than you are. Loose clothing is unflattering and will give you a shapeless appearance. Instead, wear clothes that are well suited to your body shape.

2. Wearing Uncomfortable Heels

Contrary to a popular misconception, fashion is not and shouldn’t be painful. When wearing heels, no one will notice how stylish you look if you can’t walk around comfortably in them. Go for a heel length you can easily rock or do away with heels completely. There are equally as stylish flats that will compliment your outfit.

3. Having the Wrong Underwear on

There’s suitable underwear for every outfit. You could have worn the most beautiful dinner gown, but with a visible panty line, you might not be able to get people to pay attention to anything else besides that. Shop for panties with a seamless band to give your dresses a more impeccable appearance. Also, choose bras that go with the neckline and sleeve of your outfits.

4. Layering Too Many Accessories

We understand how excited you must be to want to show off your fantastic jewelry collections but kindly resist the urge. Using too many flashy items can give you a cheap appearance. What you can do instead is to go for one or two statement pieces that will instantly add elegance to your outfit. This way, you still get the attention you want, but sophisticatedly.

5. Wearing Undersized Clothing

Whether you can’t let go of that outfit that you bought a few years ago, even after gaining a few pounds, or you’re trying to show off some curves, we’re here to let you know that putting on an outfit that is not your exact fit doesn’t look great on you. Love your body size for what it is, and dress accordingly. It will make you look more confident and sexier.

6. Not Considering the Weather

When planning your outfits for the following day/week, check for the weather forecasts so that you’re not caught unaware. We wouldn’t want you to be trapped under a heavy downpour with a stiletto or a sleeveless dress.

7. Mismatching Patterns

It takes excellent adept at styling to fashionably pull off contrasting patterns, so I recommend sticking to simple ones like polka dots on stripes first if you’re just starting with patterns. As you gain mastery at it, you could go on to more complex pattern combinations.