You have gone to school, worked to master that endeavor, and now need to organize your knowledge. You got this. You go to work to develop it to help you do what you want to accomplish.
Today, online is almost anything you would like to know more about or learn to do your job better. So you go to the internet to learn more and how to do your job better. In simpler words, now you will have received value from what you have learned. Always finish what you start. Nothing is for free, and when you pay the price, you will appreciate and value more what you do. Life is all about acquiring knowledge throughout all your days, and learning never ends, and you look to work with people who do the same.
Like my aunt used to say, “Remember to learn; you must want to be taught.” [Note: She never said she was the first to say it.]
First. Stop using the word “NO” and begin converting more inquiries into appointments. Whether in person, on the phone, texting, or emailing; in your messaging reply, do not use the word “NO” for example, someone asks you if you would like a cup of coffee, and it is already past your coffee time; your first thought may be to say no thank you politely, and explain why no. The word “NO” makes your friend, client, or customer, feel inadequate or bothered. “NO” is a word almost everyone does not care to hear. You could say, “I’ll take a glass of water,” and say thank you.
Second. Stop using the word “NO” when working on overcoming objections and closing the sale. For example, in a store scenario, a customer asks, “Do you have this particular color of a sweater?” And you immediately realize it is not available and is out of stock. You do not say, “No, I am sorry, but we are entirely out of that color.” You instead make an offer. That’s a great sweater. “Have you seen the new colors in that sweater style? Please follow me and I’ll show you. I think you will like what you see.” Like my aunt used to say, “Learn to get whatever you want in life without violating the rights of others.”
Third. In converting a client to make a purchase now. Do not use the word “NO.” In the negotiating process, do not use the word “NO.”
Fourth. Lastly, in coordinating the steps from your first meeting to the closing of your sale, your engagement with your employees, team members, friends, family, and all other daily encounters, you work to eliminate the use of that one word, “NO.” You will become a more active person in what you do and find that you now get along with people. You find that you are doing a good job, which has opened more doors to many positions. You appreciate all that you acquired with a “cost.” As you have come to know, ambition is a must-have for you to capitalize on the hard-earned knowledge you now possess. Your asking your employer back then to allow you to learn more, even when you asked to work for free, was a big plus. It gave your employer the power to put you in the way of opportunity to move up and win, win. You now know that the way to success is to follow the road of continuous knowledge. Like my aunt used to say, “We do not have to stop where we started.”