Being the Boss, you work to stay aware of your daily team’s progress. You know that reaching your goals and completing your projects all require focus and discipline. You keep in mind that there is only one of you; if you stop yourself, your ideas get lost. Here are seven ideas to help you reach your goals.
Like my aunt used to say, “Don’t block your ideas. There is only one of you; without you, those ideas will never exist.” [Note: She never said she was the first to say it.]
Idea One. CREATE SOMETHING. Think of Something that your company needs; thoughts are things. Think of things you would like to do better for your team members. Once you have that item and you have defined it, you are ready for the next step. For example, you learned that a better meeting room would make everyone feel more relaxed and more open to grasping the new goals for the coming week, month, or the next quarter.
Idea Two. BUILD SOMETHING. Having announced a better meeting room, you next work to build that new meeting room. Act on your team’s ideas and what they felt was good to have, best to have, and or not have. The unit comes up with the best plans. Being the Boss, YOU pick one.
Like my aunt used to say, “In life when you try to sit on two chairs, you will fall between them.”
Idea Three. GROW SOMETHING. Grow by discussing the project with the team and exchanging knowledge. Using that meeting room example, you would add features to the meeting room that meet the team’s wishes and always keep in mind to maintain management budget approval.
Idea Four. NURTURE SOMETHING. You stop and nurture the project. Again you discuss the project with the whole team. Making sure that all are pulling together. You holler out a team member’s name, ask for his support, and wait for his “Yes.” As you continue the discussion, you find time to holler out to a second team member and wait for his yes response. Lastly, identifying the team leader, you now wait to hear a big YES because he now sees that he is not the only one pulling, and the project more easily now pulls through.
Idea Five. COMFORT SOMETHING. Remember to bring Comfort. Reassure and bring cheer and encouragement to all the team. A job well done as per plan. Through your friendship with your team members, you have found that spirit that brought about the project’s success, steamed from our memories and experiences of working together.
Idea Six, ENHANCE SOMETHING. Think of ways to improve the quality and value of our skills and talents that make each of us unique and potentially significant.
Idea Seven. HEAL SOMETHING. Using our example of the meeting room project, we next look to clean up problems that may have surfaced during the project’s development and completion stages that caused or brought about issues and look for ways to alleviate that anguish or distress. We correct or put right what brought about any agony or despair during the process. We learn from our mistakes.
Like my aunt used to say, “Every little bit helps, and every little quit hurts.”